New Frontiers and Tools in Climate Change Adaptation and the Role of Civil - Military Cooperation

17th Meeting of the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD)
Friday, 28 March 2025 – 14:15-17:00 CET
Mission of Canada to the EU, Brussels - In Person / On-line


Organised by the Environment & Development Resource Centre (EDRC) for the Brussels Dialogue on Climate Diplomacy (BDCD)the project on Climate and Security Action through Civil-Military Cooperation in Climate-Related Emergencies (Project CASA) and the Global Military Council on Climate Change (GMACCC) at the Mission of Canada to the EU

For further information or to request to particiate Contact Us.

Event banner modified Image credit: European Union, Copernicus Sentinel-2 imageryThis image, acquired by one of the Sentinel-2 satellites on 5 November 2022, shows the town of Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer and the surrounding wetlands, which are threatened by the rising water level. The Copernicus Sentinel-2 satellites deliver free and open data that can be used to monitor drought impact. 

Attribution: Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data 2022 via Wikimedia Commons. Original Source: Climate Change and drought threaten Camargue’s wetlands The use of Copernicus Sentinel Data is regulated under EU law (Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1159/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 377/2014).